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印加聖木 Palo Santo
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Alteya Organics
Bulgarian Rose
基底油 Carrier Oils
精油 Essential Oils
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鈍銅/黃銅器皿Copper/Brass Items
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廣源良 Kuan Yuan Lian
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清檜 Hinoki Life
黑膠唱片 Vinyl Records
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得記良品 Ducky's Wellness
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Polisi Pulangan & Bayaran Balik
印度純銅香檳杯 India Pure Copper Champagne Glass (Hammered)
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產地: 印度 India 高: 25.5CM 杯腳是黃銅 商品簡介: 純銅器皿是印度人的日常用具。銅有抗氧化和抗菌作用, 亦是身體必需的微量元素,用來盛載水和食物有益健康。 不宜長時間存放酸性飲品。 純銅會自然氧化,間中需要清洗保持光亮。 這是手製物品,常有輕微瑕疵和划痕,在購買前請先加以考慮。 These are handmade items and often come with little defect and scratches, take them into consideration before you purchase. 避免使用化學清潔劑清洗銅器。 避免用鋼絲絨擦拭。 以等量的醋或檸檬汁和鹽,用水稀釋作清潔液。 清洗後用清水沖洗並抹乾水珠。 Clean your copperware by hand and avoid dish detergent. Avoid scratchy cleanser like steel wool. Use a solution of equal quantities of vinegar or lemon juice and salt diluted with some water. Rinse with clean water after washing and wipe off any water.
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